The Wolverine, a film sponsored by the Grand Council of the Crees, premiered last week to rave reviews at the International Uranium Film Festival in Berlin, Germany. Directed by Cree director Ernest Webb of Rezolution Pictures, The Wolverine is a poetic, deeply relevant film that traces Cree culture, their relationship with the land, and the strength of their community.
Set in the beautiful region of Eeyou Istchee, the territory of the James Bay Cree in northern Quebec, the film recounts the ancient Cree legend about Wolverine, who stands up to the Giant Skunk. The Skunk is hunting and attempts to kill Wolverine’s family with his toxic spray. This age-old battle becomes an allegory for the Cree Nation’s fight against uranium development in their territory.
“I believe that good films can change the world, and this is one of those films,” stated Norbert G. Suchanek, the founder and director of the International Uranium Film Festival. “It has a special beauty, it has a soul.”
Over the next few months, The Wolverine will screen at the International Uranium Film Festival’s events in Jordan and India. The film’s North American debut will occur in April 2015, when the Cree Nation will host the International Uranium Film Festival in Quebec City, Montreal and Eeyou Istchee.
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