Eeyouch are walking for a uranium-free Eeyou Istchee
The Cree Nation Youth Council has launched the StandAgainstUranium solidarity march, to send a strong message to the Quebec government, that the Cree Nation opposes uranium development on our land. The march will also provide Quebeckers from across the province with an opportunity to show their support for the Cree Nation’s stand.
Eeyouch walkers are walking in the footsteps of their ancestors, travelling over 800 kilometres to hand-deliver a message to the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement’s (BAPE) Commission on the uranium industry in Quebec: NO to uranium mining and exploration in in Eeyou Istchee.
On Saturday, November 22, the walkers enjoyed a warm send-off feast in Mistissini before beginning the march on Sunday, November 23. They will travel from Mistissini to Montreal via Chibougamau, Roberval, the Laurentides Park and Quebec City. The walkers will arrive in Montreal on Monday, December 15, for the last day of the BAPE’s public hearings on the uranium industry in Quebec.
How can you help?
You can:
- Volunteer to walk with us for a few days along the route.
- Join us for the events along the way – check back here for details!
- Follow the walkers’ journey and send them your support right here on
- Share this page and your views about the StandAgainstUranium march on social media to spread the message!
Follow our journey
Diary Entries:
Day 5 : November 27
Our group of walkers started off early this morning. We walked nothing short of 72 km, with the sun at our side. A special mention goes out to Clifford “Terry Fox” Jolly, who ran part of the way! We crossed paths with a group of hockey players from the Cree Nation Bears en route to Montreal – best of luck to them! Cars on route from Mistissini and eighteen wheelers honked their encouragement as they passed on us the road. The support is greatly appreciated!
Day 4 – November 26 (Ashuapmushuan Wildlife Reserve, outside of Chibougamau)
We had nice weather today! Temperatures of around -5 degrees Celsius allowed us to walk over 40 km. We stopped for lunch on the edge of the Chibougamau river, and took the opportunity to visit with Mistissini Youth Chief Amy Linton’s relatives. A big thanks to Matthew and Maggie Wapachee for preparing a delicious moose stew! Johnny Coonishish of Mistissini and Daisy Wapachee of Nemaska also joined our group of walkers today. Even the sun had come out to greet us by the end of the day!
Day 3 – November 25 (Chibougamau)
We walked over twenty kilometres today and stopped to spend the night in Chibougamau. In a show of solidarity, people honked their horns as we marched through town! We are so appreciative of all of the support we received from the citizens of Chibougamau! We also took the opportunity to meet with journalists from Le Jamésien, a newspaper in circulation throughout Northern Quebec.
Day 2 – November 24 (Mistissini to Chibougamau)
We made good progress yesterday – we walked over 33 km! Our determination and our motivation to share our message all over Quebec is stronger than the driving rain that pounded down on us all day.
We would like to thank JBCCS, the Cree radio station, for taking the time to interview us. You can also read about our march in the newspaper The Gazette:
Day 1 – November 23 (Mistissini)
We left Mistissini to much fanfare this morning at 11 am. More than forty of us walked the first kilometres together. Our group is full of enthusiasm and good humor! Our adventure began with temperatures hovering around -12 degrees Celsius, which is actually quite comfortable since the air is dryer here than it is in Southern Quebec. We couldn’t be more excited to begin our Solidarity March across Quebec to share our opposition to uranium development with all Quebeckers!