The Grand Council welcomes your participation and discussion on the page, and looks forward to an active exchange of ideas. We want to publish your comments and we encourage you to use polite and constructive discourse.
- Postings can be removed in the event that they:
- Contain abusive, obscene or offensive language;
- Include defamatory, abusive, harassing or hateful remarks;
- Make unproven or unsupported accusations against individuals or organizations (“Trolling”);
- Constitute spam, or promote services or products;
- Invade anyone’s privacy or impersonate anyone;
- Are far off-topic;
- Post materials without the necessary rights, licenses and consents (material under a copyright for example) ;
- Encourage conduct that may or would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability;
- Are posted in a manner that takes advantage of anonymity;
- Contain excessive links.
The Grand Council reserves the right to make exceptions to the application of this policy and changes to it.